Living Long and Prospering

Mstation, a website I contribute to, approves of the new Star Trek movie:

It’s true: the new “Star Trek” prequel movie is really,
really good. “The spirit of adventure and embrace of
rationality that define the show are in full swing,” writes
Manohla Dargis, “as are the chicks in minis and kicky
boots.” The J.J. Abrams remake has big-budget action and
effects, and a story with “emotional and dramatic force as
well some generous laughs,” thanks largely to the newcomers
playing Spock and Kirk. “Steering clear of outright
imitation,” Ms. Dargis writes, “the two young actors
instead distill the characters to capture their essence,
their Kirk-ness and Spock-ness.” Go see for yourself before
the inevitable SNL parody.